Ours is a system of shared responsibility.
We are governed by three leadership groups: Faculty, Board, and Administration. Each of these groups has distinct responsibilities and strives for consensus on major policy decisions. This system of shared governance supports the development of a strong, healthy community from which students learn and grow.
Organizational Structure
Organizational Structure
Waldorf School of New Orleans is a non-profit 501c(3) organization called Waldorf Parents Association, which conducts business as Waldorf School of New Orleans. The school’s leadership structure includes Faculty, Administration, and volunteers who serve as members of the Board of Directors.
Members of the Faculty are tasked with the education of students enrolled in the school. Teachers guide and develop the curriculum and educational programs, and uphold the highest standard of Waldorf education. Faculty members are autonomous professionals who adhere to a standard of expectations and accountability established by the school. The Faculty Leadership Council is open to all teachers wishing to serve, with at least one year of experience at Waldorf School of New Orleans, in either the Early Childhood or in Grades. The two Chairpeople, one for Early Childhood and one for the Grades, serve as facilitators for the Leadership Council. These Chair positions are reserved for experienced teachers who have completed Waldorf training. The full Faculty Governance document can be found here.
The Administration currently comprises a Head of School who oversees the work of the Administration Department. All work closely with each other to manage day-to-day operations of the school. Finances, enrollment, business management, operations, communications, and facilities are all areas guided and overseen by Head of School.
Meet Our Board
Board of Directors
The Board is made up of faculty, parents, and community members. They strive to bring experiences, expertise, dedicated volunteerism, and a passion for Waldorf education and its philosophical values to the business of running a Waldorf school. The Board takes ultimate legal responsibility for exercising the power of the non-profit corporation and for the management of all affairs in furtherance of the school’s educational mission. The Board operates under the legal structure of the Articles of Incorporation and by following Bylaws that are amendable by a majority of the Board or a majority of enrolled families. Directors are uncompensated and elected pursuant to the By-Laws.
The Board acts predominantly in the realm of legal compliance, strategic planning, financial security and fundraising, and partnering with all the stakeholders in growing and strengthening the school.
All Board Meetings are held at Waldorf School of New Orleans Rose Collaborative Campus on the second Tuesday of each month at 6pm, unless otherwise noted. Agenda and minutes are posted to the Families Page. There you can also find a form to submit agenda items for future meetings.
The Board is also actively recruiting. If there is a member of our community who has expertise in community relations, non-profit leadership, education, law, business operations, fundraising, and/or finance that you would like to nominate (self-nominations are encouraged) please fill out and submit an application.