July 23, 2018
Location: 1420 Coffee (Shop)
In attendance: Erin Reho Pelias, administrative liaison; Louise Rimington, social committee chair; Renee Rowley, grades co-chair and minutes-taker.
Due to low attendance, meeting was informal.
All-school picnic date set for August 17th, at City Park.
Decision was made to purchase copies of “Understanding Waldorf Education” to lend to new families.
Discussed the Social Committee supporting the proposed Winter Faire, in lieu of coordinating so many school-wide social events. The Winter Faire committee will be independent of the Parents Council.
Shift social events to classes, now that classes are larger and in need of community-building. Class reps will be asked to plan two social outings/semester for their classes.
Those present reaffirmed their ability to continue serving in their present capacity as needed, while being interested in welcoming interested newcomers into these roles. Suzanne Charbonnet will not continue as Treasurer this year. Ama Rogan and Courtney Landry will be joining the PC this year, probably as class reps. Scott Habig, School Board member, will serve as our Board liaison this year.
Erin will help with recruiting EC parents to join the PC, as their involvement and input are vitally important.