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September Parents Council Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

1420 Coffee (Shop)


Present: Bethany Berghoff, Holly Groh, Cristina Hallner, Monica L’Esperance, Laura Ledet, Kimberlee Mix, Monique O’Toole, Jill Rankin, Renee Rowley (minutes taker), Nancy Sarka, Alicia Square, Mae Stair, Jessica Whitworth

Absent: Bethany Berghoff, Sarah Godoy, Courtney Landry, Jessica Orgron, Erin Reho Pelias, Louise Rimington, Ama Rogan, Lara Schaberg

Welcome, introductions, and icebreaker exercise

Old Business

All-School Meeting Media Talks

Holly Groh will share her knowledge and personal family journey to create a low media home environment.

Grades talk: Monday, Oct 29, 7-8:30pm, at Soraparu, includes free childcare and pizza.

EC talk: Sun, Nov 11, 3:30-5:00, at Peniston, includes free childcare and snack. Voted to approve $400 to cover these costs.

Grades sign-up: Monica and Monique will do set-up, Cristina will do cleanup. Need volunteer to pick up pizza.

EC sign-up: Jill, Laura, and Mae will help with set-up. Alicia and Nancy will help with clean-up. Need volunteer to pick up snacks.

Renee will coordinate childcare providers.

Soraparu Park-and-Play Friday afternoons, Raphael Cafe Friday mornings, and EC Meetups

Park-and-Play Fridays, will start this Friday at the Soraparu after 3:20 dismissal, all invited.

Holly suggested to also promote families gathering at the Raphael Academy Cafe on Friday mornings, for community.

Renee will publicize the Friday meetups.

Renee will contact Courtney Landry about scheduling EC meetups.

2018-19 staffing

Steering Committee

Grades co-chair: Renee Rowley

EC co-chair: unfilled

Treasurer: Cristina Hallner

Secretary: Courtney Landry

Board Rep: Monica L’Esperance

Board Rep sub: Renee Rowley

Other Positions

Social Comm co-chairs: Monica L’Esperance, Louise Rimington

Acorn Nursery Rep: Alicia Square

Clover Nursery Rep: Nancy Sarka

Magnolia Kindy: Sarah Godoy, Mae Stair, Jessica Whitworth

Jasmine Kindy: Laura Ledet, Jill Rankin

Grade 1: Courtney Landry, Bethany Berghoff

Grade 2: Kimberlee Mix, Lara Schaberg

Grade 3/4:

Grade 5/6: Jessica Orgeron

Grade 7/8: Ama Rogan

Board Liaison: Scott Habig

Admin Liaison: Erin Reho Pelias

Faculty Liaison: Monique O’Toole

Continue to recruit for unfilled positions: class rep for grade ¾, and EC co-chair

Class reps were provided with written information about the role, and topic was discussed during the meeting time.

Class reps were asked to plan one class outing during October.

Everyone is asked to have their photo taken for the PC website pages. Amy Marquis is available to take pics every Wed morning at Peniston, after dropoff, and every Thursday morning at Soraparu, after drop-off. Find Amy in the school office on those days for your pic.

St. Rose

Open discussion about move to St. Rose. Questions about a lunch plan and eurythmy classes at St. Rose. Question asked about the status of the Peniston campus, after the move to St. Rose.

Will follow-up with administrator about these queries.

Visioning Meeting Report

Renee attended to represent the Parents Council. Renee reported the meeting was very productive and positive. School leaders reviewed school values, past 5 years, and visioned the next 5 years.

New Business

Discussion about ideas for future PC events

Holly suggested a middle school sock-hop, and a mother-daughter tea.. Many were in favor of a school-wide Moms Night Out. Jill had an idea for a parents talent show/fundraiser to entertain students.

Some expressed interest in having a 1st grade to 7/ 8 grade buddy events, as in previous years.

Need volunteers to spearhead these ideas. Monica will look into the Moms Night Out.

Colin Marquis will continue to plan 2 Dads Nights Out, per semester.

Cristina may host a spa-related get-together for PC people team-building.

Renee will contact Ama about buddy idea.

Tabled for next meeting due to lack of time.

Emergency School Closing Procedure, Break-out discussions about needs of EC and Grades families.

Next Meeting

Monday, Oct 22, 6:30-8pm. At 1420 Coffee Shop (previously PJ’s). Located at 1420 Annunciation St. Children are welcome.

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