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20 Questions in 60 Seconds with Librarian Lesley Rubenstein

Let's play 20 Questions! This week's guest is Waldorf School of New Orleans Librarian Lesley Rubenstein. She took some time out of her busy schedule to play today so that we can get to know her a little better.

1. What three traits define you?

Compassionate, creative, curious, inner strength, ... ...and an inability to limit my responses when answering these questions!:)

2. What is your personal philosophy?

Every moment of every day is precious. 

3. What's one thing you couldn't live without?

My faith, my family, our dogs, and, of course, ....BOOKS, BOOKS, and BOOKS!!! Can that all be bundled into one thing?

4. What are you reading these days?

The True Blue Scouts of Sugar Man Swamp by Kathy Appelt and Rise of the Jumbies by Tracey Baptiste

5. What is the best book you've ever read

There are soooo a young child I loved Blueberries For Sal,maybe because we lived and went blueberry picking in the Northwestern part of the US where the story is set.  ( I still go picking every June with my husband and our children, but we go to the Northshore now. )  In high school I was deeply affected by Thoreau's Walden and some of Lillian Hellman's plays. But.... I usually love the book I am reading at the time.

6. Where is your favorite place to be?

Sitting  by the Gulf or Bay with my husband and our adult children who are 20, 22, and 25...the days include lots of great discussions, laughter, and sometimes sheer goofiness. We are very fortunate.  The fjords of Norway are pretty spectacular as well.

7. What is your favorite thing to do? 

Reading, swimming, writing, listening to all types of music, hanging out with family/ friends, traveling and learning about different cultures, traditions, and stories. 

8. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had? 

Reading all of the " letters to the editor" sent to the Dallas Times Herald, weeding them down, and selecting which ones would be printed.  

9. What’s the coolest (or most important) trend you see today?

Children recognizing the importance of protecting our environment; looking after our waterways, animals, trees, bees, plants, land-everything . Children striving to make a difference in the community is always a wonderful thing. 10. Choose: Beaches or Mountains and tell us why!

I love beaches, but when we go, I spend most of my time in the ocean swimming, riding the waves, and  snorkeling.  Just being around water is relaxing  and calming. Also, sunsets on the water are breathtaking.

11. What has been the most important innovation you have witnessed in your lifetime?

Still thinking about that one....

12. You’re hosting a dinner party. Who are the 3 people, from present or past, who you would invite and why? 

I assume this dinner party is following  the one I hosted last night where  I invited my  dad, uncle, and grandmothers (who have all passed away)  to join our family for a nostalgic, heartwarming evening. For this evening's dinner party,  I would invite Ghandi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King Jr., Amelia Earhart, and Chagall -all whom I have idolized since a child. When I was growing up, I would go to the public library and check out every book I could find on all of these incredible individuals. 13. What is your favorite food?

Blueberries, greens, good salads, dark chocolate. Red beans and rice is great too!

14. If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?

Researcher, learning about/protecting marine life, or maybe a travel writer. 15. What's your best advice?

Take time to listen to others. Work hard, be flexible, look for the humor in situations, embrace the day with gratitude.  

16. What would you most like to tell yourself at age 12? 

Slow down and  enjoy the moment. Continue to set your goals, but recognize that sometimes the journey is as important, if not more important than reaching the finish line. My Dad always told me that, but I am just now understanding what he meant. 17. Whom do you admire most?

My husband, Kenny.

18. What is your greatest fear? 

Not facing and tackling my fears.

19. Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

I  like to clean by  cranking up the music and singing along. Also, I rapped on stage with some bands in college. I was called Miss Lesley. 20. What is your favorite thing about working at WSNO?

Teaching! Sharing my love of stories, literature, and poetry with the students and connecting those stories from the books to the every day! It is thrilling to see students get excited about new authors and new books. Working with talented and dedicated coworkers is also fantastic!

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