Halloween is a fun and much-anticipated event every year. It's helpful to go over expectations at home with your child. This allows them to be ready to join in the fun and Halloween spirit in a way that also allows them to engage in learning at school.
Early Childhood Students
Early Childhood students will receive instructions directly from their child's teacher.
Grades Students
Our Grades students We have several traditions that our students look forward to. One of the favorites for our Grades children is our Spider Web game, in which our older Grades students set up a complex web of strings. Each student follows one string to a treat that's waiting at the end of the maze.
As in past years, this year students are invited to wear their Halloween costumes to school. This privilege is one we love to extend, however students will be asked to remove their costumes and don traditional, dress code-appropriate clothing if they are unable to:
Participate fully in all classroom activities, including speaking, writing/drawing, instrument, and movement.
Maintain the proper focus and demeanor in class. If no appropriate clothing is provided, students will have to wait in the office until a parent or guardian arrives with a change of clothes.
The following guidelines are to be followed:
The face may not be covered.
Costumes should be appropriate to school - nothing excessively scary, no fake blood or gore.
No costumes that come from media sources (Spider-man or Wonder Woman, for example). Exceptions to the "no media" rule include characters that were originally from chapter books (not comic books) prior to media representations (such as Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc.), superheroes that are original to the students' own art, and sports figures. No fake weapons are allowed, such as scythes, swords, staves, knives, and arrows. However, bows may be brought as an accessory. Other accessories, such as utility belts and sheaths, may also be worn if they do not prove to be a distraction.
We have found that if students know the expectations ahead of time, they are typically able to participate in the day's events. Please take the time to review them with your child and make sure your child's costume falls within our guidelines. We look forward to sharing a festive Halloween celebration with the students and hope they share their stories of a fun-filled and memorable day with you.