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Learning at a Distance

I am so thankful for all of your patience while we develop our plan for continuing education during this school closure. I also am thankful for everyone in our school community for their calm and thoughtful response. I have been in contact with WSNO teachers either through phone calls, email or zoom. The following is an update from all grade levels and some subject teachers.

Grades 1-3

The first, second, and third-grade teachers have sent parents a variety of things for their children to work on during the school closure. We have the morning verse, poems, mental math ideas, movement ideas, stories, writing prompts, and many other helpful links.

Grades 4-5

The students are asked to begin each day with daily work. This includes poem recitation, studying states and capitals, and a creative writing component.

Rachel sent students informational readings that would have been presented in class. Students should read the information and write drafts. Rachel will read and check the drafts before re-sending them to the students. Then students should complete the final writing on main lesson paper. Rachel will complete the drawings that would have been drawn in class and send them to the students to copy.

Parents have been sent a list of suggested readings and other resources. Beginning next week, Rachel will have weekly check-ins with her students.

Grades 6-7 Rebecca put together a survey to gather contact information, basic preferences, and any questions parents might have concerning the online sessions and Google Classroom. Based on the 13 responses received, the daily lessons will be scheduled from 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Rebecca has set up a Google Classroom invited all of the students' teachers to join. Parents also were given instructions on how to "enroll" their children. In addition, she sent a YouTube tutorial on Google Classroom in her weekly email to assist those not familiar with the platform. Once the Google Classroom setup is complete, it will become the central hub that students can check daily to receive and submit assignments, and find any necessary ancillary materials.

As part of her Educational Plan, Rebecca will conduct daily hour-long lessons that will cover review, discussion, and new material. In addition, there will be study meet-ups, some of which she will participate in weekly to assist the students. She also will set up 15-minute check-ins once or twice a week to speak directly with students. Assignments will be submitted and returned via email. Final drafts will be made at home on main lesson paper or blank white paper if the students do not have main lesson paper.

Grade 8

Steve is in the process of setting up Google Classroom, as well as looking at programs, such as Zoom and Skype, so that he can begin holding class remotely.

Spanish For Grade 6-8

Alicia has created a project that students will work on over the next few weeks. She sent an email to parents with the project criteria and tips for helping their children. She will be available for individual tutoring by appointment.

Upper Grades Math and English

Nigel, the upper grades math teacher, and Betsy, the upper grades English teacher, are developing work to include in the Google Classroom.

My thoughts and prayers go out to each of you.


Jill Contento

Grade 2 Class Teacher & Grades Chair

Waldorf School of New Orleans

(504) 508-0760

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