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Tuition Relief Fund Established

Updated: Jul 13, 2020

During this challenging time, we have been working hard to keep our school alive. While the learning continues remotely, we dearly miss the sound of children in the classroom, in the hallways, and in the play yard. We understand that uncertainty is hard. We are making plans for different possible scenarios; attempting to anticipate every eventuality in this unprecedented time has been challenging, to say the least. We are moving forward assuming schools will be reopened in the fall, while preparing for the possibility of continued or intermittent remote learning, if required.

Like many of our families, Waldorf School of New Orleans is facing financial uncertainty in the coming months. While it might be some time before things return to normal, we were relieved to receive a loan from the Payroll Protection Program (“PPP”) late last week. These funds ensure that we can continue to support our faculty and staff through the end of their contracts for this year, that the daily experience we call school can continue, and that we can reopen our doors next school year.

In addition to providing payroll support for faculty and staff, receipt of these funds has given us the flexibility to create a Tuition Relief Fund to provide financial assistance for WSNO families who have been hit particularly hard by the financial effects of the pandemic. Unlike our Tuition Assistance Program, this option will be available to our Early Childhood families as well. We have formed a task force consisting of Board, Administration, and Faculty members to administer the fund. Details and an application will be sent out later this week.

If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to the Tuition Relief Fund so that we can assist even more families, please reach out to Christina Kogos ( Tuition enables the creation of the life of the school, and the returns on this investment are so rich in experiential and qualitative aspects they are immeasurable.

In addition to the Tuition Relief Fund, we will be refunding all prepaid Before Care and After Care charges on a prorated basis to account for school closure.

Finally, we understand that many of you might have intentions to return to WSNO next school year but have not yet paid deposits because of financial uncertainty. Because we are in uncharted waters, the deposit required for returning students has been temporarily lowered to $500. Please re-enroll now if you have not already done so. We miss you and cannot wait to have you back!

Thank you for your patience and continued support. We are so grateful to be a part of this caring community and wish you well.

In Partnership,

Joe Peychaud

Head of School

Michelle Fridman

Finance & HR Director

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